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Home Accueil A la une Madagascar. For what the U.S.A. waits for this new year 2016

Madagascar. For what the U.S.A. waits for this new year 2016

« Happy New Year, everybody! There's a lot I'm grateful for over this past year: Businesses that continued an all-time record streak of job creation; a health care system that covers more than 90 percent of us for the first time; a country where all our marriages are equal under the law for the first time; a world united around a prosperous, low-carbon future for the first time. But mostly, I'm grateful for you, and to be your President - because it's your hard work, determination, and fundamental decency that led us forward through 2015, and that will keep leading us forward in 2016. Because of you, as long as I've had the privilege to serve in this office, I've never been more optimistic for a year ahead. So here's my resolution: to do everything I can, with every day I have left, partnering with as many of you as possible, to keep making the promise of this country a reality for all of us ».

Barack Obama, President of the United States of America


Robert T. Yamate

« For 2016, the American government, with the effective implementation of all the institutions, plans to see the realization of bases established by the Malagasy government and the people last year.

Among the works which remain so important represent the effective implementation of the new national strategy of fight against corruption, and specifically the application of the new law against the traffic of rosewood and the other precious wood.

It goes without saying that the application of these legislations cannot be actually made without a fair and independent judicial system.

Other work from which we wait for the realization is naturally the adoption of the new Code of the Communication, which will lay the foundations for a free, independent and responsible press which will play completely its sentinel's role.

Finally, from the American people to the Malagasy people, we shall continue our robust program of assistanceto the development ». –

Robert T. Yamate

Ambassador of the United States of America in Madagascar



Ce que les U.S.A. attendent à Madagascar pour ce nouvel an 2016

Pour 2016, le gouvernement américain, avec la mise en place effective de toutes les institutions, compte voir la concrétisation des bases fondées par le gouvernement et le peuple malgaches l’année dernière.

Parmi les chantiers qui restent aussi importants figurent la mise en œuvre effective de la nouvelle stratégie nationale de lutte contre la corruption, et spécifiquement l’application de la nouvelle loi contre le trafic de bois de rose et d’autres bois précieux.

Il va sans dire que l’application de ces législations ne pourra se faire effectivement sans un système judiciaire équitable et indépendant.

L’autre chantier dont nous attendons la réalisation est bien entendu l’adoption du nouveau Code de la Communication, qui jettera les bases d’une presse libre, indépendante et responsable qui jouera pleinement son rôle de sentinelle.

Enfin, du peuple américain au peuple malgache, nous continuerons notre solide programme d’assistance au développement.


Mis à jour ( Mardi, 05 Janvier 2016 05:49 )  

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