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Home Accueil Flash Infos Shimon Peres : « Peace is not just a desire »

Shimon Peres : « Peace is not just a desire »

Israeli President Shimon Peres and Andry Rajoelina, President of the Transition of Madagascar

Jerusalem, Monday, December 31, 2012. Israeli President Shimon Peres at a reception for Christian Leaders called peace a top priority.

"Peace is not just a desire, it is not just a call from heaven. I think it can be attained and achieved. We have to act determinedly, honestly and courageously to achieve it. That was from the very beginning, from the Old Testament to the New Testament and throughout the scriptures".

"There is a Palestinian Authority with which we signed an agreement and there is a separate organization in Gaza, Hamas. They must decide whether they want peace or war, what sort of relationship they want; shooting or building. We have no interest in seeing anybody in Gaza suffering, we would be happy to see Gaza be successful".

Peres also praised the relations between the Christian community and the Jewish community, saying they are "at their best in the past 2,000 years".

Pope Benedict XVI and President Shimon Peres

"I have the greatest respect for the Pope and agree with him that peace is not just an earthly demand but a heavenly order, if there is one thing that clearly unites all of us it is the prayer for peace, the hope for peace.You can have your own prayers, your own way of worshiping, but peace remains the uniting factor. All of us would like to see an end to bloodshed, an end to suffering".

Jeannot Ramambazafy

Source : JTA

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