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Home Accueil Flash Infos Madagascar. Olivier Mahafaly Premier ministre? The carrots are cooked or the republic of the chosen people

Madagascar. Olivier Mahafaly Premier ministre? The carrots are cooked or the republic of the chosen people

This photo shows and demonstrates clearly who orders at the top of the Malagasy State at present. All the files and cases concerning this lady, Me Nicole Randrianarivoson, will disappear. From this April 10th, 2016 thus, Madagascar belongs to them. Bah, which will survive will see

But what thus still made there this "incredible" (in french without credibility) president, my God? A photo and two videos summarize the personality of this character who, without surprise –set apart for the deceived and those who ignore the progress of the last two years of this IVth Malagasy republic- has thus just been chosen to replace a treacherous Jean Ravelonarivo totally overtaken by events, General of the last two days. For Hery Rajaonarimampianina, he is assured for 1000% that this Olivier Mahafaly will never betray him. Bah, read the Bible and you will know where sits Judas during the Last Supper. And the CRA (Club of the regents starving women) of Voahangy X. has still won a battle. Only they will never win the war which is outlined on the horizon …

In this video, Olivier Mahafaly plays the puppeteers with his 10 fingers. Why? Because the vote of censure against the Prime Minister, Jean Ravelonarivo, was rejected! What a beautiful logic, no?

Iavoloha palace, 10 April 2016. For what can hope the Malagasy people with Prime Minister so made thinner as wee see above? The taxpayers are again going to pay for his treatment (Dafalgan 1gx4 a day, Perindopril 8mg, Inexium 40mg in the morning and evening) before removing  his abdominal sutures

In any case, what is grave for Madagascar, thus it is that this Prime Minister in the orders of the entourage of the family Rajaonarimampianina is going to excel in erasing all the prosecution concerning this entourage. Particularly the diversions of public money committed by Claudine Razaimamonjy. It, with the use of the dictatorship, in the name of "the best interests of the Nation". Believe in me if you want him but this president really not as the others, has just committed his last error of judgment by choosing a 52-year-old man still weakened by a recent disease and known by a language far from the realities.

In this video, we hear Olivier Mahafaly to say that he will not give the 5 millions of ariary planned to Raodimanana because this one had not voted for Hvm. And thus the same Olivier Mahafaly became a Prime Minister. All about this corruption HERE

Pressed for time, he has no more sense of the discernment and the sense of the State. Let us pledge that the future Secretaries will be in keeping the mission of which will be to put Madagascar under the carve-up of the party Hvm with the aim of making reelect Hery Rajaonarimampianina. All ignore what the X Factor means. They will may groom the constitution, nothing can be done. It is the beginning of the end for this diet(regime) in the tendency too much pronounced for the money connected to a lent power. For the moment, poor country, poor Malagasies already pauperized excessively. Glimmer of hope: we wait for the court on the rosewood in Singapore. It, this Prime Minister cannot conceal it.

Iavoloha, on April 10th, 2016. Theater stage with the President of the National Assembly, Jean Max Rakotomamonjy who puts hands a list of names of "potential future Premiers ministres", emanating from members of parliament, to president Hery Rajaonarimampianina. You believe sincerely that he took time to study it in an ultra-short lapse of time? No more needs to dream



The President of the Republic Hery Rajaonarimampianina received the delegation of members of parliament:

" Proposal of list at the post of Prime Minister "

Palace of Iavoloha - April 10th, 2016, 16 Delegates, stemming from diverse trends, led by the President of the National Assembly, Jean Max Rakotomamonjy, came to put back a list of personalities' names proposed at the post of Prime Minister, on Sunday, at the end of morning, in the Palace of Iavoloha.

On this occasion, the President declared: "now, I can well begin my work from this list. The new Prime Minister will be known presently", he declared. For the moment, no name was revealed.

Members of parliament having made up(composed) the delegation: Jean Max Rakotomamonjy Randriarimalala Harijaona Andriantsizehena Benja Razafimily Constance Razaka Tondraha Farmindra Justin Andriamitantsoa Benjamin Randriamahefa Henri Charles Andriamboavonjy Nantenaina Liaho Soa Malemont Jean Daniel Milavonjy Andriamasy Razafindrakoto Harifanja and four members of the Permanent Office

The Communication Department of the Presidency of the Republic on this 10 April 20116


Morality: waste of time and waste for nothing even if the Big island of the Indian Ocean and well and truly become the republic of choose without any solid political program. A republic of chosen people where more we are hopeless in governance, but where we defend well the interests of the presidential family, more we are promoted. The proof must to be made. He is certain that president Hery Rajaonarimampianina does not have self-control anymore and of the country which is going to plunge directly into a socioeconomic chaos - and even political unprecedented. Yes, in Madagascar, for this diet Hvm/Rajaonarimampianina, carrots are well done. But for whom really? I am not a soothsayer but remember X Factor ...


Jeannot Ramambazafy – 10 April 2016

Mis Ă  jour ( Lundi, 11 Avril 2016 10:19 )  

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